Agriculture Achievement Agriculture Crop Calendar

Agricultural Activities for the Month of October

  • Harvesting of cabbage, knol-khol, radish, chillies, brinjal in high altitude region continues.
  • Weeding, top dressing and earthing up of winter potato in high altitude region completes.
  • Weeding, earthing up of root crops in high altitude region completes.
  • Weeding, top dressing and earthing up of rabi maize in medium altitude and low altitude regions commences.
  • Harvesting of lady's finger, cucurbits, brinjal, chillies in low altitude region continues.
  • Harvesting of jute, mesta in low altitude region completes.
  • Land preparation and sowing of rape and mustard in low altitude region completes.
  • Weeding, top dressing and earthing up of pea, mustard, garlic, lettuce, in high altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of tomato in high altitude region completes.
  • Harvesting of chestnut, persimon completes.
  • Harvesting of cabbage knol-khol, chillies, radish, brinjal in high altitude region completes.
  • Harvesting of cauliflower (early transplanted)in high altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of root crops (early planted) in high altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of lady's finger, bitter gourd in low altitude region (early planted) commences.
  • Harvesting of Kharif paddy(early transplanted)in high altitude and medium altitude regions commences.
  • Land preparation and sowing of lentil in low altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of ginger, turmeric in high altitude and medium altitude regions completes.
  • Filling of soil in polythene sleeves and planting of tea cuttings, seed bed preparation for planting tea seeds commences.
  • Pruning of clonal mother bushes for April-June propagation.
  • Plucking of tea (two leaves and a bud) completes.
  • Cultivation of Oyster mushroom completes. Preparation of compost for Button mushroom cultivation commences.