Agriculture Achievement Agriculture Crop Calendar

Agricultural Activities for the Month of August

  • Harvesting of summer potato (except for seed) in high altitude region completes.
  • Main field preparation and transplanting of Tomato in high altitude region completes.
  • Weeding, Top dressing, earthing up and plant protection for tomato in high altitude region continues.
  • Harvesting of Tomato (May, June, transplanted) in high altitude region continues.
  • Harvesting of Kharif Maize in high altitude, medium altitude and low altitude regions completes.
  • Weeding and top dressing of Sali paddy (July transplanted) in low altitude region commences.
  • Weeding and top dressing of Kharif paddy (July transplanting) in high altitude and medium altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of Kharif Maize in high altitude, medium altitude and low altitude region completes.
  • Harvesting of French bean in high altitude region completes.
  • Land preparation and sowing of winter potato in high altitude region commences.
  • Land preparation and sowing of carrot, radish and other root crops in high altitude region completes.
  • Harvesting of sub-tropical fruits like mango, pineapple, lemon, jackfruit continues.
  • Land preparation and sowing of French bean in high altitude, medium altitude and low altitude regions commences.
  • Weeding and earthing up of carrot, radish and other root crops in high altitude region commences.
  • Weeding, top dressing and earthing up of chillies, brinjal, cole crops (June transplanted) in high altitude region completes.
  • Land preparation and sowing of lady’s finger, bitter gourd etc in low altitude region completes.
  • Weeding, top dressing and earthing up of lady’s fnger, bitter gourd etc (June planted) in low altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of apricot,plum,peach and other temperate fruits completes.
  • Land preparation and sowing of rabi maize in low altitude and medium altitude regions commences.
  • Land preparation and sowing of pea, mustard, garlic in high altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of ladies finger, cucurbits ,brinjal, chillies in low altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of Jute in low altitude region commences.
  • Harvesting of pineapple,banana in low altitude region continues.
  • Land preparation and sowing of carrot seed in high altitude region commences.
  • Weeding and cleaning of nurseries, pruning of shade trees and panting tea cuttings (spring propagation) continues.
  • Weeding (chemical and manual) and plucking of tea leaves (two leaves and a bud) in plantation continues.
  • Cultivation of Oyster mushroom continues.